Historical Perspective
VFW 7765 an anchor of the Red Hook Community since 1948…
Since its founding, the Post continually provides critical services to military veterans and their families and engages in the community at large through dozens of events annually.
But for all its success, the Post faces real and urgent challenges. As the years pass, the loss of older VFW combat veterans outpaces the arrival of new ones. This is partially overcome by hiring services that were voluntary in the past.
However, our aging facility needs major renovations that will allow us to continue to be viable in the community for years to come.
What VFW does best…
Past direct support community-wide
The Campaign Overview
Engage our extended community, business owners, leaders and influencers to gather best practices, strategic thinking and support to assist with building and driving the success of our 5-year capital campaign and on-going post financial stability.
The Initial Campaign Press Release
You can download, print, share and distribute the INITIAL CAMPAIGN PRESS RELEASE.
Campaign Presentation of 5-Year Plan and Strategy
Review the following POWER POINT PRESENTATION to understand the breadth and scope of this VFW 7765 Capital Fund Campaign.