Over the past months a committee was formed to restructure and kick off our capital fund campaign. After receiving feedback from local leaders regarding the original campaign goals, we have revised the goals of the campaign. The original goal was $1.5 million. After careful review of all the categories, securing bids, and planning for what best serves our long-term goals we were able to reduce the amount of the goal from $1.5 million to $715,379.
Hiring for New York City
This year the VFW celebrates 125 years of serving veterans.
Department Legislative Chairman Ann Marie Hogancamp has compiled the list of priorities this legislative year.
The VFW store has made a change in ordering Buddy Poppies in an effort to streamline the ordering and the processing of the Buddy Poppy orders. There is also a new Buddy Poppy that can be ordered.
There is a new voluntary process called the "Elective Option" to help veterans resolve qualifying claims